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Suzu becomes the center of office gossip because of her coveted designation as Kei’s care specialist. Meanwhile, Kei struggles to deal with Ryouma’s intentions with Suzu and the possibility that he might be endangering her life.

Suzu moves in next to Kei, and the shock of recent events forces her to perform old rituals from her mysterious childhood. Meanwhile, Kei meets up with Ryouma Kujo and learns more about Suzu’s past.

Kei and Hanzo bring Suzu to an abandoned school to explain what a cold spot is. Unfortunately, what is supposed to be a harmless trip turns into a supernatural encounter that involves murky pool water, talismans, and a cocky talent from Ninomae’s Tokyo branch hitting on Suzu.

During Professor Kaede and his wife’s funeral, Kei discovers more curious things about Suzu and her background. Meanwhile, Suzu is struggling to explain to her father and the uncles who raised her that the professor’s death has nothing to do with her past.

Kei seeks the advice of his connections in Ninomae’s headquarters, who inform him that his best course of action is to recruit Suzu Sakurai.

General manager Yoshi Hagihara arrives at the office to inform the team that Suzu Sakurai is protected by the government, but would not disclose why. How they handle her as a witness might make or break Ninomae’s Kanagawa branch.

Hanzo and the Aftercare team intervene to take care of the crime scene. Kei brings Suzu to Ninomae’s Kanagawa office and discover something strange about her.

Kei visits a Waiki Mart franchise along a hiking trail in the Kanagawa countryside and ends up murdering the owner. Suzu, the store’s new temporary worker, witnesses the entire debacle–but did he just save her life?

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