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Creator’s Desk

As creatives, we’re often brimming with wild storylines and illustrations that we cannot wait to share with everyone. Here, you’ll find our other creations and some behind-the-scenes blog posts about writing and illustrating.

Three Years Utahime's Engagement Ring


This collection of short fics transpires in the First Cut au, right after Gojo and Utahime get engaged and right before the Blood Maiden Arc.

First Cut Chapter One Gojo Sees Injured Utahime

First Cut

An illustrated version of First Cut.


Quick Contact


Judith has a bad habit of touching people. She brushes against them randomly and it freaks people out. Her colleagues act civil with her, but they talk behind her back, think she’s sexually frustrated or obsessed with subtle human contact. She must be in serous need of intimate connections.

Hired By Cats


I still hope to this day that it was nothing more than a bad dream, but as a precaution, I avoid eye-contact with all cats. I go out of my way to dodge them, and you can picture how bothersome this is given their number. These nasty things are spread everywhere like germs, quite the impossible specie to eradicate.

Not Our House


They stop a few steps from their front porch at the same time. A moment of silence passes, and then they look at each other. The wife says, “Why is it that I don’t think this is our house?”

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